Welcome to the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse’s (NRFC) Virtual Collaborative Community (VCC). The VCC is here to help strengthen responsible fatherhood programs, practitioners, and all who work to support fathers, families, and children.

As a member of the NRFC’s Virtual Collaborative Community, you will have access to the following:

  • Resources:
    • Stories - Access and discuss research findings, data, articles, program services, and various resources, or ask the community a question.
    • Webinars - View the most popular NRFC Webinars, download connected resources, discuss webinar content, or suggest new webinar topics.
  • Groups: Engage, share, and have conversations with peers on specific topics by joining groups.
  • Members: Connect with local, state, and national leaders.
The NRFC, a resource of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Administration for Children and Families' (ACF) Office of Family Assistance (OFA), is designed to provide resources and support for fathers, practitioners, programs, federal grantees, states, and the public at-large. HHS, ACF, OFA, and the NRFC believe that fathers from all walks of life are essential to the healthy social, emotional, and economic well-being of their children and families. The NRFC VCC is a vital component of the NRFC to allow fatherhood stakeholders to engage in peer-to-peer learning and to help fatherhood practitioners collaborate and discuss common issues, challenges and promising practices, and strategies to resolve problems.  

Join Now to Engage and Continue the Conversation around exciting topics related to:
  • Planning a Program
  • Running a Program
  • Working with Special Populations
  • Special Topics
This is YOUR community—YOU can provide ideas on topics and conversations that will be most helpful to you. We look forward to connecting and sharing knowledge to strengthen each of our roles and the field of responsible fatherhood! To suggest new group topics, send us message by clicking "Contact Us"